Saturday, December 1, 2012

Power Ball vs. Power Balls

First a quick shout out  to the lucky winners of Power Ball. You statistically defied and beat the odds in a monetary game, and won...congrats! Hope your monetary gain sparks a humanitarian cause. Call it the socialistic side of me, that is, however, where my heart takes me. But I will save my political and humanitarian wishes for another post. Here and now, I'd like to focus on another kind of win, so to speak, and surely akin to my humanitarian views!

To all the women out there who find themselves baffled by some men, oh and men, please take notice that I have stated SOME, which implies, NOT ALL! To these confused women I ask, does it seem
that possibly beating the odds in a monetary winning system, seems more likely than beating the odds in finding a man with real balls...power balls????!!!!!!

For the sake of not confusing the men who might actually read this, power balls have very little to do with your scrotal parts.

What I'm alluding to excludes your very man parts, but instead REACHES OUT to the heart of man.
This is a shout out to all the men who cast their fear of emotion aside, and have the BALLS to be open, honest, caring, and different! These men seem able to engage in meaningful conversation, and create a dialogue with us, instead of an endless monologue of their own. These men take the time to inspect our inner parts, along with what attracts them initially.

To these men I say...again we are dealing in odds, because you few are but a few in millions!

To all my male friends, I love you all for having Power Balls!!!


  1. LOL, good one

    JBC... I got the kind of PB you are looking for.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dont know URL???? Whatever it is. You always crack me up.


  2. I'll spare you that public comment!!!!!!!

  3. As a woman, I GET THIS!

    CDH 62

  4. Sorry for the incorrect spelling, I can't spell for shit!!!!!!

  5. A sad but true relevation
