As the political climate begins to heat up, it's important to have a healthy outlet for venting the pent-up anger that writhes under the skin of any serious political junkie; watching with gritted teeth as the game plays out. It's like the playoffs leading up to the Superbowl, but with more bloodshed than any football field has ever borne. My release? Shotgun Art.
The piece above was created by famed outlaw journalist and inventor of shotgun art, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. As a known lover of guns and a true warrior in the political arena, it seems that only someone of Hunter's...persuasion could come up with such an appropriate and elegant concept. Simply hang a canvas or picture of a political thug, or hypocrite, a religious zealot, whoever makes your skin crawl and fire a couple of rounds into 'em. Then a couple more. Hooting and hollering helps, as does taking a few slugs of whiskey in between shots, but that goes without saying when dealing with politics. Godspeed readers. Here's a few of my own creations.
"Slick Willy - A Heart of Darkness"
by Jim Kopetz
by Jim Kopetz
"Falwell - Windows to the soul"
And if anyone is interested in purchasing any of these one of a kind pieces of artwork...a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 per work. Or best offer...