Saturday, February 25, 2012

Have Santorum's Inner Demons Ruined His Chance For Nomination?

by Jim Kopetz

    If the allegations that Santorum has been hosting satanist sex parties is true, well, that burning could be worse.

    Rick Santorum. Where do I begin? A childlike slave to "supreme authority". A dictum of "So God chooseth", and a rumored addiction to amyl-nitrate. What else could explain such irrational behavior? And his eyes...ohh the eyes. They give it all away.

    You goddamn smiler incarnate, but without HALF the talent! You've lost it. Your mind has become real estate. You are a morally bankrupt whore. You belong with the algae and plankton, a functionally mindless prey.

    This photo happened to make it out from one of the so-called, "Chocolate Parties":

    And this:

    Well folks, that's amyl-nitrate for ya. His mind is so deranged that he is actually attempting to crush his fellow opponents with his fingers. Poor, poor, deluded man.

    Things took a turn for the worse when he felt it appropriate to suggest he was entitled to the presidency by "boner size" as he so eloquently orated. For twenty minutes he discussed every aspect of his "Jesus Rod". Length, girth, veins, etc. The audience was disgusted and many of the elderly left drenched in their own vomit. Truly a miserable sight. 

    Even Limbaugh shuddered in disgust. A nearby lobbyist leaned over to me and said, "Welcome to D.C.". "I need a drink," I returned, "and maybe some downers." "This is speed town baby," he babbled, producing a spoon of some strange powder. "When in Rome..."

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