Friday, August 24, 2012

Another Day, Another Shooting

by Jim Kopetz

Yesterday I posted an article that edified the importance of blowing off steam at work. Unfortunately, Jeffrey Johnson did not read said article.

Today's shooting occurred outside the Empire State Building, where an ex-employee with a grudge decided to take out the man who let him go. With unemployment numbers as high as they are one can understand the frustration of individuals seeking work, but who have we become as a people when the shooting-spree becomes a daily topic?

I myself am a strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment. I think weapons can be quite fun and a true release. Hell, who doesn't love an explosion from time to time, but this isn't about gun control, it's about mental health. If you want to be free you have to be willing to accept the risks involved. Freedom allows psychopaths to buy guns, but would banning guns solve our problem of blood-lust? Of course not! There will always been people bent on the destruction of others, but why are they becoming more frequent? What drives these shooters? Much harder to understand than the serial killer.

Why can't we be kinder to each other? Why can't we enjoy our freedoms without crazies fucking it up for all of us? Why must the fear they seed flower into insane laws that strip us of our privacy and fun? Fuck Jeffrey Johnson. Fuck James Holmes. And fuck any of you who are ruining this country for the rest of us.

Fuck you Jeffrey Johnson. Fuck. You. May your corpse be feasted on by dung beetles. At least then you can say you served a purpose. This is the prelude to the end of the world.

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