Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Priest they called him...

by Jim Kopetz

 What does the passing of NDAA mean for you? Oh Bubba.

If the rumor that Obama is suffering from a severe case of megalomania is true, then the last few weeks of his presidency make complete sense. The persona that left many audaciously anxious for change is gone, and the beast inside has been unchained. With the passing of NDAA, Obama has written his epitaph on a once promising presidency. His base has become nothing more than a Waco-esque group of conditioned kneelers with no concept of civil liberties at best, and at worst has never had their civil liberties challenged. Mind you this is a president that has ordered assassinations of U.S. citizens. Nixon never stooped so low, and he was so twisted he had to have servants screw on his pants every morning. Think about that!

This is the prelude to the end of the world.

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