Monday, April 9, 2012

Rest in Irrelevance: Keith Olbermann

by Jim Kopetz

To Keith Olbermann, the liberal version of Glenn Beck, and his decline into irrelevancy. The only query one can have left is how many jobs can one man lose?

shtick | sh tik|
noun informal
an attention-getting or theatrical routine, gimmick, or talent.

The essence of Keith Olbermann's shtick was being loud, angry, and arrogant, a megalomaniac with all the answers everyone else is "too stupid" to see. He would guffaw at his painfully flawed attempts at humor while his audience suffered through self-righteous diatribes one might find in one of the holy books. How anyone could watch this display of folie de grandeur and think they are being factually informed instead of simply witnessing one man's delusional verities is fooling themselves.

I will not miss Keith Olbermann. And neither should you. He represents all that is wrong with journalism in this day and age. After MSNBC and the degrading CurrentTV debacle, it's time to throw in the towel. We don't like you. You are a primadonna asshole, not an oracle. I hope you find work elsewhere, maybe as a plumber or some kind of pest exterminator. No offense to either profession, both extremely noble in cause, it just seems a man of Olbermann's demeanor should be working with other people's excrement instead of emitting his own on the airwaves.

Anyways good luck, Mr. Olbermann. I hope to never hear your imprudent, asinine commentary ever again. Find a new career. Please.

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