Thursday, February 9, 2012

Could Mitt Be It: The Strange and Terrible Tale of a Political Double

by Jim Kopetz

   If the Mitt Romney who wrote 'No Apologies: The Case for American Greatness' were running today, I would be mildly delighted to vote for him. Unfortunately it seems that Mitt Romney doesn't exist anymore, at least for the time being. The Ultra-Right-wing Conservative metamorphosis has begun taking effect, splitting the man in two: an educated, well-read chap who has learned as much from his failures as he has his accomplishments and the gaffe prone, flip-flopping stooge of a double who spouts the approved rhetoric of his conservative cronies. So who am I voting for? The Mitt or The Double?

    The Mitt Romney of 'No Apologies' is a man with a strong knowledge of foreign policy, economics, and what it takes to sustain a nation. The Mitt Romney you see on television is some kind of deranged doppelgänger, a brain-child of the Heritage Foundation to be sure. Why can't Mitt run as Mitt? Why are Republicans so afraid to break the mold? At least the Democrats can vary on social and legislative policy, though it does seem rare. To be a Republican these days is to become a clone, and that is very, very sad.

    But for all his bullshit, I like Mitt Romney. I'd like to see what our first Mormom president would have to offer. All I ask is he stick to the words of his book. Don't fuck with us, for the world is in flames and desperate times call for a leader of innovative policy change.


  1. I don't like Willard Mitt Romney. He is now a loud mouth blow hard rich Republican that is after power and the ultimate position in America. He is driven and will say or do what ever he and his handlers agree is the best action to win. I don't trust this man and neither should you.

    1. Dear god man, I never said I trusted him. It seems unreasonable, if not down right mad to trust anyone running for President. I wish more people read his book though. It shows a very different man than the conservative clone we see today. So in essence I agree. He needs to come out of the Republican shell and stop fucking around. Thanks for taking the time to opine.

  2. A Romney presidency would be the greatest step backwards for women's rights in history. Mormonism can be seen as a quaint cult that is all right if you have a dick, but a split-tail can neither receive or expect any support or dignity from a religion that was created as an excuse for old men to boink as many young girls as they want as long as the men married them.

    1. Have you ever read the Bible or the Koran? Women get a raw deal in all the texts. The Book of Mormon is more silly than disturbing. Besides that, the sadness in his eyes speaks more so to me than his religious tendencies. That's something to be worried about. I do think Santorum would take us much farther backwards.

      What about Obama?

  3. That being said, today Mitt made the statement that if he was elected President, Planned Parenthood would be shut down. The cloning metamorphosis is complete. He is a Kafka-esque insect with no sense of moral fortitude. I am saddened by this and Romney has effectively lost my vote. Shame on you sir, shame.

    1. This is the real Mitt Romney you're seeing NOW. The "moderate" Romney of old was only following the standard practice of "Lying for the Lord" so he could get elected Gov. in a Blue State. He succeeded once, wouldn't have again & failed as a Senate candidate & in his 1st attempt as a Presidential candidate. His only agenda is getting elected by any means necessary and his daily flip flops demonstrate just how low he will stoop to get there. He's swallowed the Kool Aid that he's the anointed Mormon, of the White Horse Prophecy to rule for Zion.

      I agree you you Jim - Shame on Romney, shame.

  4. UPDATE: Romney just keeps getting worse and worse. It's truly a sad sight to behold.

  5. Howdy Jim. Great to see a conservative thinker paying attention and expressing some sanity. It's very heartening. We're all going to have to work together to make this country strong again. It's time that we become a democracy again. Corporations out of politics, sane defense, and we need to fight to get back our civil rights. So much more. Let's make it happen.
