Thursday, March 8, 2012

Santorum At It Again, Romney Wallows in Sorrow, Paul Reads Economics Textbook: A Look Back at Super Tuesday

by Jim Kopetz

    The rumor of Rick Santorum's deranged debauchery is still yet to be confirmed or denied, but I suspect the vicious dope fiend lurking behind those eyes will show itself soon enough. He's riding a high wave after a rather impressive display on Tuesday giving Romney a run for his money. But does this strange elf of a man really have a chance at becoming our next President?

    What attracts the multitudes to a man who shows no sign of humanity? Does half the country really despise women that much? The man was caught poking holes in boxes of condoms with a full syringe of a glowing green liquid! He once knocked out a mule just to prove a point! Of course these stories haven't made the headlines because there is no proof to these "wild" accusations, but political insiders have been digging deep. Things are going to get ugly.
    Since much of the Republican campaigning has been focused on nasty negative ads and Santorum winning Tennessee, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and narrowly losing Ohio by less than 10,000 votes, the vitriol is sure to reach new heights. We're currently witness to a whole new form of strategic political warfare. This is the age of 'Citizens United' and the beast has barely come out of the cage.

    Meanwhile, the Romney campaign is on the defense after Mitt was photographed Wednesday morning, wallowing in sorrow and bitterly gorging on multiple corn-dogs that had become soggy with tears. It's a sad sight and shows the strength and self-assurance needed to make it in the political game. As I've stated before, I'm a fan of the Mitt Romney that wrote, No Apologies. Not the gaffe-prone simpleton we see on television. This could be the beginning of the end. Remember Eagleton? The thought makes me shiver. So show your strength, sir! No future president should have a picture such as this on record! Do you really want to be the next Jimmy Carter? Have some self-respect, kill off the double and for god's sake man, lay off the corn-dogs.

    Don't give me that look! You're lucky I even have the strength to stick up for you, even with all the Joseph Smith moronic Mormon baggage...sorry folks, got caught up there for a moment. Back to the ring.

    Ahh good ole Ron Paul. A man who goes out there time after time in what can only be described as either delusional, or for his own shits and giggles.  A lunatic with brief moments of sanity only to be immediately betrayed by proclamations of such silliness that you'd have to betray your own cerebral cortex to even ponder them. I would love to hang out with Ron Paul and I'd vote for a number of his policies, but he's still insane.

    It's been a good race so far and with two vastly different candidates vying for the Republican nomination it's sure to continue being so. Mitt vs. Rick. Who would've thought? Certainly not Rick...

    On an end-note, you might be wondering why I didn't mention or even allude to Newt Gingrich. It's simply because he's not in the race. His ego is. And fuck Newt Gingrich's ego. This is the prelude to the end of the world.

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  1. I was actually liking your article a little until you got to the part about Ron Paul.

    If there is anyone who is "insane" it is YOU Sir.


    JJ Suprise
    Sandy, Utah

  2. The one about Ron Paul is an understatement.
    The guys is a nutcase delux.

  3. A nutcase delux? I wouldn't go that far! Insane...Crazy...I must say one would have to be for simply applying for the job let alone devoting a good portion of their life fighting for the same cause!!! There is certainly no doubt that Ron Paul is crazy about this country and has sacrificed his own sanity for the prospect of bringing freedom, liberty, peace, and prosperity for himself, his family, his friends, and all of his fellow American's. To speak badly of such an honest and humble man of integrity making this great self-sacrifice for such a grand and noble cause is the talk of an ungreatful envious fool. Forgive him lord for he knows not that of which he speaks, please spare him of continued ignorance and shine upon him your light for he may see the truth until it becomes crystal clear.

    1. I do not wish to be forgiven, by your god or any others, so enough with the nonsense. Do you not believe the toppling of Saddam's regime was a good thing? You think we should eliminate foreign policy and become a democratic North Korea? Juche in the U.S.A.? These are all things Ron Paul stands for. I believe in the libertarian ideals, but there has to be regulators. Ron Paul is insane, and I love him for it.

  4. Anyone who posts anonymously is a coward. If you care to add to the discussion in a positive way, show yourself. It's too easy to comment without having a name to back it up. Be bold. Say what you feel but don't hide behind the internet. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. Rick Santorum is the devil in disguise. He wants to destroy the liberty and freedom that America was founded upon. He wants to strip away our civil rights that previous generations worked so hard to achieve for us. Not only just that, Santorum wants to belittle and dehumanize all minorities, reducing them to second-class citizens. He also wants to control the federal government, so they can interfere in our private lives, including what two consenting adults do in the bedroom behind closed doors, eliminating what privacy we have left to us. Santorum is so delusional and batshit insane, he think he's the one to dictate why a woman cannot get an abortion to save her own life, or why gay and lesbian couples cannot get married despite being in a committed relationship. Mark my words, I will never vote for this crazy son-of-a-bitch. He is a lunatic and a control freak who wants to transform America from a free democracy into an authoritarian theocracy. Rick Santorum and his like-minded supporters essentially want to pervert and warp the Republican Party into the Christian Taliban of the United States. They're not for true fiscal conservatism, their true goal is for extreme religious fundamentalism. Beware of the devil in disguise. --Spoken by a true libertarian, socially liberal & fiscal conservatism.
