Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fuck You, Fox News

by Jim Kopetz

Every once in a while a man needs to get something off his chest. This is one of those occasions.

Fuck you, Fox News. Not all of you, I like Shepard Smith, Charles Krautheimmer, Juan Williams. But the big time players, Roger Ailes, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, that goofy looking, obviously gay priest that seems to occupy any discussion regarding religion and it's "oppression". You misinform your audience. You are a sore on the history of journalism. Your own god hates you. Why not just tell the truth?

Are you truly delusional or do you get off on the conservative neo-fascist facade News Corp. has become? Are you insane? Do you hate yourself so much that you are willing to chuckle compulsively at the lies you secrete with such self-confidence? How do you sleep at night? Peacefully, I assume. Do you believe your own words? Or does Roger Ailes have his hand up your ass, massaging your prostate with hundred dollar bills?

I point my finger at you, Mr. Hannity. After the departure of Glenn Beck, you've become chief propagandist/idiot. Unfortunately you're more of an Uwe Boll than a Leni Riefenstahl and it shows. You have no subtlety. Your lies can be uncovered with two clicks of a mouse. Simply put, you are lazy. You don't write a line of your dialogue and it shows. You are a cartoon. Fred Flinstone incarnate. I will be there during the time of your fall, which is sure to come. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." You will be a footnote in the history of journalism, and a petty one at that. Your legacy will be that of a bloated toad. And I can't fucking wait.

Well, I feel much better now. I hope Mr. Hannity reads this, as I'd like to talk him into a boxing match. Mr. Hannity, I, Jim Kopetz, challenge you to a boxing match, journalist to "journalist". YOU are the prelude to the end of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting that off my chest also. What a pointy headed jerk!!!!!

