Friday, June 8, 2012

When Slick Willy Says It...

Former president Bill Clinton, colloquially coiffed as "Slick Willy" has revealed he believes the United states to be currently mired in a recession; the reasoning for which, he claims, is not solely the responsibility of Europe.

While he refused to weigh in on the coming election and whether he agreed more with the stances of Mitt Romney or incumbent Barack Obama, for whom his wife works as Secretary of State, Clinton did reveal he believes that all the Bush-era tax cuts and tax breaks for the wealthiest should be left INTACT, for their repeal could cause a deep worsening to our fragile economy. Though he stopped short of stating America is teetering on a cliff's edge, he did reveal he believes America to be currently faltering and approaching a point in which there is no regaining balance, only a recession-like fall.

And the jobs numbers certainly don't disagree with him. The unemployment rate has ticked up AND fewer people than expected have re-entered the workforce. These combined paint a bleak outlook for the American jobs recovery. Clinton, through his assertion and then later backed up by the jobs evidence, believes the right course is to remain status quo: no new government interventions or stimuli, no tax raises, no healthcare mandates. The only thing he believes in is raising the debt ceiling because, as he contests, debt is different today than it was years ago and raising our debt ceiling temporarily is going to do nothing to deter investors from the strongest economy in the world, especially as investors see the weakness over in Europe and see the uncertainty in Asia. The United States is one of the only safe havens for money and will remain so.

So, while Republican pundits had been quick to blast Clinton for years over his liberal ways and every more liberal lifestyle (read: intern), he certainly is flipping their world upside down by arguing in favor of the same major tax cut retentions in American history, essentially keeping them lower than they were when he was in office and the United States ran a SURPLUS and started paying off the massive debt which Republican lawmakers tremble in their loafers about.

And how many news organizations covered this? One. Fox, MSNBC, CNN all ignored the former presidents out-of-character conservative views and focused instead on the myriad other things he said during his interview, but CNBC decided to (surprisingly) broadcast a story that, while it sticks to their capitalist agenda, certainly strays from the routine everything-liberal bashing.

So this post is for you, CNBC, for doing something "right" no matter what the ROI was supposed to be.

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