Friday, May 24, 2013

The Name Game.

Joey Buttafuoco, Bernard Madoff, Mark Weiner, is it me, or has anyone else recognized the seemingly strange connection between ones name and ones character? We all remember Mr. Buttafuoco, and how he butt fucked not only Amy Fisher, but his wife, and who knows how many others!! Sure adds new meaning to the surname, (which actually means to emit flames)Butta...fucko And good old Bernie Madoff, who ironically (Made Off) with millions...of others hard earned cash, but was mercifully...(Found out). Mark explanation needed. I'm sure you get my point! I have looked into my own surname...Carbone, which in Italian means coal. I am not sure if any of my ancestors in Italy were coal miners, but a diamond is simply coal under extreme pressure. I have lived my entire existence under such pressure, that I have considered changing my name to Diamonte, (Diamond) and finally dropping the ex's name Crosby, which means (Cross Bearer). A resurrection of sorts, after matrimonial crucifixion.

I've recently met a very nice man whose surname is Woodhouse. And lo and behold, Todd is a contractor who builds with wood...Woodhouse. I find these connections fascinating and coincidental. Sure, one might say that is how most of us have gotten our surnames, old world occupations, but if that were the case, what might Weiners ancestors have been employed at? Madoff? Buttafuoco? Junk food for thought maybe, but I have had fun pointing these strange connections out to friends. Sure, they laugh and even scratch their heads with silly wonder,but mostly question my minds need to ponder such musings.I tell them,"Boredom is a playground for creativity" I simply amuse myself with mental games. I find stories in a name as one would an many of my experiences are in my head! Most of my decisions start there also.

Take for example my need to find a new doctor. Not only do I look for their credentials and years in practice, and their interest in listening to their patients, but I now look at their name! I found a doctor in the town of Branford recently his name is Steven Goodkind. Ahhhh, I thought, this sounds promising, turns out he is a plastic surgeon...who knows, I may need him one day when I finally need that face lift!Avoid at all cost any doctor with the name Payne! Now dear reader, please take a minute and find the connection in your own name. By the way, can anyone find a connection to the name and the girl...Lovelace? I'm stumped!

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