Friday, May 24, 2013

Medical Incompetence

Medical Incompetence. If the average individual, with no prior knowledge of anatomy and physiology were to question the very intricacies that a body requires, to sustain homeostasis, it would not only blow their minds, but quite possibly create a sense of panic each time one felt, well...not quite right.

As a medical professional, I have had to study and learn some of the most complex mechanisms of the body, and my knowledge is such, that it would fit on the head of a pin, with room left for more! Some of the greatest minds in medicine possibly still scratch their heads when dealing with the bodies many complex riddles and diseases. A staggering puzzle at best.

One of the most complex systems is our very framework . The Skeletal System. This system is made up of 206 bones, along with tendons, ligaments, and cartilage...that connect the bones. The main job of this system is to provide support for our body. Without this system, you'd be a puddle of skin and guts on the floor. Your skeleton has over 200 joints. Joints are where bones come together. Ligaments are very strong inelastic bands of connective tissue that hold bone together at the joints. Where the bones come together, there is a cushion of cartilage to protect them from rubbing together and wearing down the bone.

Because I had been exposed to a virus years ago called Fifth disease or Parvo...yes humans get Parvo too, but not the same Parvo as dogs do. I have sustained severe damage to my joints, which is a tell tale sign of Parvo in adults. This virus eats away at the cartilage that protects bone and creates major damage. To get an accurate diagnosis for Parvo, all that is required is a simple blood test. What is the standard treatment? Hahahaha, that's a laugh! Why? Because after bi-lateral knee replacements, and a cervical fusion with hardware...oh that was not successful, I might add, not one fucking doctor could give me an answer as to why my joints were rapidly degenerating.

Years of blood testing for rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Lyme disease, and every known disorder that could create such symptoms were continually ruled out. I was simply told that every pain I was living with and having to endure was in my head! I have had to create a very tough skin to deal with some of this assholes that call themselves doctors. I have had to research symptom after symptom to possibly find the culprit. I had to depend on myself for answers, and that is a sad commentary on our medical community.It seemed no one cared to take the time and learn more, I was simply another file, and a check waiting from the insurance company. If I hadn't become proactive with my own health, it's quite possible I'd be dead today, if not from this insidious condition, then suicide...for sure.

I have had to give up my career in nursing, and believe me, that was not a very difficult decision, considering the fact that I had to work daily with many of the assholes I mentioned above. Arrogant little men who hadn't a clue at times. Men who would walk into the operating room at 7 am, reeking of bourbon and whiskey, asking me to pass the scalpel. Men who thought most women were fueled by emotion and no intellect, and any pain they experienced was rooted in their pea brains! I have lost all respect for the medical community because of such arrogance and negligence. I have suffered with intractable pain at times, and have been simply turned away and suspected of being a drug seeking crazy lady.

So why am I writing this? To make others aware of this condition, Parvo, that most think only exist in animals. If you are suffering with joint pain, and most conditions associated with these symptoms all rule out, ask for a blood test for Parvo. You are probably wondering, what is the point if there is no treatment. Well after much reading and research,I have found where the most comprehensive treatment is now available. This is a condition that must be treated by a reputable hematologist. If positive for Parvo, one is then given IV gamma globulin...immunoglobulin is a class of blood plasma proteins, most notably including the antibodies that help fight infection and disease. One must also give up the delusion that doctors are gods...they certainly are NOT!!! You must take the time to listen to your body, know when something is just not right...and become PROACTIVE!!!

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